Yaacov Petscher
January 27, 2020
Yaacov Petscher leads the conceptual development of the screener, the psychometric and CAT development, and the biopsychosocial content for the Reach Every Reader assessment. His research interests are the study of individual differences in reading and language skills, and has over 150 publications in the domains of literacy, psychometrics, and applied research methods; he has been a PI or co-PI on 30 state or federally funded grants and contracts. He has served as a lead developer and psychometrician of four, large scale computer-adaptive tests of reading and language skills, and has worked as the principal methodologist for several multi-site randomized controlled trials. He presently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Educational Psychology, Reading Research Quarterly, and Annals of Dyslexia and is an associate editor for Elementary School Journal and Journal of Learning Disabilities. His work has been recognized with state, national and international research awards from the International Literacy Association, the American Educational Research Association, the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, and the Florida Educational Research Association. More recently, his applied work is focused on technology innovation resulted in multiple co-invented patents and copyrights, with his technologies recognized by awards from the International Society for Technology in Education, Tech and Learning Magazine, and a Florida State University Innovator Award.